

Book A Session
What is it and what are the symptoms?

It is normal for people to experience days where they are feeling.

sad f you have experienced losing someone, or something, who you care deeply about you may feel a range of emotions such as shock, anger, guilt and regret. Losing someone or something important can be emotionally devastating and grief, although normal, can manifest in unexpected ways and can trigger mental health conditions, like depression.

Feelings of grief can also happen because of other types of loss or changes of circumstances, such as:

  • The end of a relationship
  • The loss of a job
  • Moving away to a new location
  • A decline in the physical health or mental health of someone we care about

Bereavement counselling can provide support during these very difficult times, help you navigate the stages of grief and assist you to develop coping mechanisms to help you adjust to the next stage in your life.

Treatment options
Symptoms can include but are not limited to:
  • Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or oversleeping
  • Fatigue and low energy levels
  • Difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or remembering details
  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Physical symptoms like aches, pains, or digestive issues
Key info before you book with us

Your clinician will inform you of the treatment options available to you subject to your diagnosis.

The Process


If you feel that you are experiencing the symptoms outlines above and you are wanting a clinical opinion then look no further than our Anxiety & Panic Attacks Assessment for General Psychiatry.

Pre-assessment forms

Please look out for your booking confirmation email where you will find your Pre-Assessment Forms. These must be completed in advance of your assessment. No forms may mean no formal diagnostic decision.

What's included?
  • 60 minute session with one of our experts
  • Diagnostic decision & treatment plan (subject to diagnosis)
  • Full written diagnostic report within 10 working days (subject to amendments)

Ages 18+ | £400.00

Ages 6-17 | £850.00

How do I book this?

Scroll down to our booking section to book now. Ensure you've selected the age appropriate option. We have marked Alternatively, if you have any questions please contact our Support Team via the details displayed on our Contact Page.

Day of assessment

On the day of your assessment please ensure you are in a private space. Our clinicians will not proceed with the assessment if they are not satisfied with the surroundings. For example, you cannot be in your vehicle. It is best advised to attend the assessment in a private place with a strong network. You will be asked to present your ID at the beginning of the session.

'I don't consent to my medical records being obtained by MyPace'

Unfortunately, in this instance, we will not be able to proceed with a formal treatment plan for you, and in some cases a diagnostic decision may not be possible.

'How long will it take for my medical records to reach MyPace?'

We would love to provide an accurate timespan for this. However, due to the high demand on NHS services we understand that it may take longer than expected. That said, we do encourage our patients to provide their GP with a gentle nudge to ensure that the timelines are not too long and cumbersome and have found that this often works.

Complex cases

During the assessment process your clinician may identify the need for further investigations prior to a diagnostic decision or the commencement of a treatment plan.

Consent to obtain your medical records

Your clinician may instruct our Support Team to obtain a consent form from you to contact your GP to obtain your medical records. This may typically occur if your clinician has identified any contraindications that may affect a proposed treatment plan, for example.

Reviewing your records

Once we've received your medical records your clinician will review them and instruct a member of our Support Team to liaise with you as to your next steps.

'Can I discuss treatment options in my assessment?'


If your clinician finds that no further investigation is required they will lead the discussion on the treatment options available to you.

You will be advised whether you may proceed to book your private prescription with us.


Private Prescription | £35.00

*This does not include the cost of medication.

'How will I know when to book this?'

You will receive an automated reminder to book in for your First Follow-Up a month from starting your treatment. Patients are kindly reminded to engage with MyPace reminder emails.

What's included?
  • 30 minute session with one of our experts
  • Overview of your response to treatment
  • Full written follow-up report within 10 working days (subject to amendments)


How do I book this?

Scroll down to our booking section to book now. Select option 2. Alternatively, if you have any questions please contact our Support Team via the details displayed on our Contact Page.

Day of follow-up

On the day of your assessment you will receive a reminder email with a link to join your clinician. Please ensure you are in a private space. Our clinicians will not proceed with the follow-up if they are not satisfied with your surroundings. For example, you cannot be in your vehicle. It is best advised to attend the follow-up in a private place with a strong network. You may be asked to present your ID at the beginning of the session.

'How will I know when to book this?'

You will receive an automated reminder to book in for your Six Month Review roughly five months on from your First Follow-Up (subject to their not being any changes in your treatment). Patients are kindly reminded to engage with MyPace reminder emails.

What's included?
  • 30 minute session with one of our experts
  • Overview of your response to treatment
  • Full written follow-up report within 10 working days (subject to amendments)
'Why do I need a six month review?'

We cannot continue to safely prescribe you without oversight that you are stable on the prescribed medication.



How do I book this?

Scroll down to our booking section to book now. Select option 3. Alternatively, if you have any questions please contact our Support Team via the details displayed on our Contact Page.

Day of ongoing review

On the day of your Six Month Review you will receive a reminder email with a link to join your clinician. Please ensure you are in a private space. Our clinicians will not proceed with the follow-up if they are not satisfied with your surroundings. For example, you cannot be in your vehicle. It is best advised to attend the follow-up in a private place with a strong network. You may be asked to present your ID at the beginning of the session.

Make a booking

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